Friday, February 20, 2015

PLL Pretty Isn't The Point

PLL Pretty Isn't The Point

In this week episode Hannha decides to go forward with the beauty pageant for the scholarship prize. She even hires a coach to help her with win the pageant, but after the meeting the coach is like this is a waste of time and I would say the same thing after seeing those dance moves. A tricks Hannah into thinking Kate is also competing in the pageant which pushes her over the edge . That coach instead of trying to help Hannah she tries to get Emily to enter the contest can you say jerk. In the end Emily decides to enter the pageant to help Hannah with college

Then there is Talia while Emily is working at the Brew she meets Talia's husband and he gives her some interesting information. First he knows all about her Emily's relationship and he does not mind because Emily and Talia are just having a fling. Dude to me is delusional if he thinks Emily does flings and anyway what kind of marriage do they have if he thinks this is okay.

Meanwhile Spencer is helping Johnny break in the Hollis art gallery to get his paintings back that A obviously sent to them. On there way back home there stop by the cops and who is it of course it's Toby. Spencer begs Toby to let Johnny go but he arrests him anyway. Toby tells Spencer that Detective Bad Perm wants her bad so she needs to stay out of trouble. Mrs Hastings bails out Johnny and then kicks him out. That's good because he was causing to much trouble and Spencer has enough on her plate. It was nice watching Toby get jealous he could just let Johnny go.

Aria is following Mike to were of all places to Mona's backyard and what does she find vile of blood. She thinks it her blood or one of the other girls after Mike catches up to her and convinces her that he does not want to harm her. Mike tells his secret and it's a big one he tells Aria that Mona planned her own death to bring A out in the open, but now Mike now believes that it backfired on Mona and A really killed her. I don't believe she is dead because of something Detective Bad Perm said there had to be two people get the body out of the house. Secondly, the crime scene looked staged although the house was a mess and there was blood every were the house could been set-up like that so that everyone could assume she was dead. Lastly Mona was saving her blood so she could set up her own death scene meaning all that did come out of Mona but not during that struggle. I think Mona was kidnapped and stashed some where and her body in the trunk was her paralyzed in fear. Mona being alive would be the perfect twist on PLL crazy train.

March 24 is supposed to be Big A reveal and the only people who he or she is the producer and Troian Bellisario who plays Spencer. I always thought that Spencer would find out who A is first, but finding out who A is will lead to new question. The biggest question why?

Here is a theory that someone posted on you tube I found interesting.

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